Tino spent the day with me, going to parks and doing errands. His mom had her spay surgery today, so he couldn't be with her. After we dropped her off, we went to get lunch, and Tino had the chicken from my chicken salad. Then we went to a park. I was setting him up on a stump to take his picture, and I noticed yellowjackets flying in and out of a crack in the stump, about six inches from Tino's head. Fortunately, they did not sting him, and we got away from there quickly. When one yellowjacket stings you, he releases a pheromone that calls all the others to sting you, and they cling to a dog's fur, biting repeatedly. I am very glad I noticed the bees when I did, before disaster. After that park, we went to the beach, and I took pictures of Tino as he explored. He stood in the creek, with the water flowing over his feet. I got a few very good pictures, although T's face was slightly out of focus in a few shots that I really wish had turned out. He watched the crows, chewed on sticks, and trotted down the beach. I let his leash drop, and he followed along behind me.
We stopped at the post office on the way home. I took him in with me to get the mail, so he wouldn't chew on anything unsafe in the car. As I was getting a package from the counter, Tino pooped right in the center of the post office lobby. He didn't go the whole time we were walking through parks for hours, but he just had to go in the middle of the post office. Fortunately, I had bags in my pocket and cleaned up quickly. Fortunately, too, Tino is irresistibly cute, and he can get away with pooping in the post office.
When we got home, Tino played with all the dogs, a little. Mu still plays too rough, so T sat up on the couch with me and watched Sky and Mu put on their World Wrestling Federation show. Fozzie sat beside Tino, and the three of us watched the show. Then Tino helped me take Viktor for a walk. Vik scolded Tino many times, but Tino showed submission and kept coming back to try to play with Vik. The grumpy old man pretends he doesn't like the little punk, but I think secretly Vik enjoys the puppy.
During Salma's spay surgery, the doctor learned that Salma only has one kidney, and half a uterus. Maybe the reason Tino was the only puppy is because Salma only had half a uterus. These defects must have occurred in Salma long before she was born, probably when she was still a zygote or something. Salma also has loose hip sockets, which may lead to arthritis or other problems when she is older. I am noting these peculiarities about Salma in Tino's blog because we may want to watch out for problems in him later. Salma should be able to live a full life with just one kidney, and she no longer needs a uterus. Salma had enlarged lymph nodes, and biopsies have been sent off for testing. Hopefully nothing more serious is wrong with her. Salma looks absolutely perfect on the outside. She seemed very healthy, and I never would have suspected she was missing a kidney.
Once we were home, Salma was unusually calm, and this made Tino much calmer.
We stopped at the post office on the way home. I took him in with me to get the mail, so he wouldn't chew on anything unsafe in the car. As I was getting a package from the counter, Tino pooped right in the center of the post office lobby. He didn't go the whole time we were walking through parks for hours, but he just had to go in the middle of the post office. Fortunately, I had bags in my pocket and cleaned up quickly. Fortunately, too, Tino is irresistibly cute, and he can get away with pooping in the post office.
When we got home, Tino played with all the dogs, a little. Mu still plays too rough, so T sat up on the couch with me and watched Sky and Mu put on their World Wrestling Federation show. Fozzie sat beside Tino, and the three of us watched the show. Then Tino helped me take Viktor for a walk. Vik scolded Tino many times, but Tino showed submission and kept coming back to try to play with Vik. The grumpy old man pretends he doesn't like the little punk, but I think secretly Vik enjoys the puppy.
During Salma's spay surgery, the doctor learned that Salma only has one kidney, and half a uterus. Maybe the reason Tino was the only puppy is because Salma only had half a uterus. These defects must have occurred in Salma long before she was born, probably when she was still a zygote or something. Salma also has loose hip sockets, which may lead to arthritis or other problems when she is older. I am noting these peculiarities about Salma in Tino's blog because we may want to watch out for problems in him later. Salma should be able to live a full life with just one kidney, and she no longer needs a uterus. Salma had enlarged lymph nodes, and biopsies have been sent off for testing. Hopefully nothing more serious is wrong with her. Salma looks absolutely perfect on the outside. She seemed very healthy, and I never would have suspected she was missing a kidney.
Once we were home, Salma was unusually calm, and this made Tino much calmer.