Last night as I was falling asleep I had Tino against my chest and Mu was behind me and Sky was down by my feet, Fozzie was where I could reach him, not touching me. I had my hand on Tino’s chest and I could feel a rumble. It seemed like Mu’s snoring was making Tino’s chest vibrate. Mu has a great snore, and I love to listen to him. If I had a sound soother machine to help me relax, I would want the sound of Mu snoring. After a few moments, I realized that what I felt in Tino’s chest wasn’t synchronized with Mu. Tino was snoring! This was the first time I ever heard him snore. I listened carefully, and I could hear Tino’s sweet little snore behind the higher volume of Mu. I hope Tino will continue to snore in the future.
Mu and I searched for Bear in Kenmore again today. It was very frustrating.
Mu and I searched for Bear in Kenmore again today. It was very frustrating.