We searched for a dog named Snow on Mount Washington. Snow is about 40 pounds 11 months old. He is pure white. He got spooked by someone on a mountain bike, and ran off. His owner, Sierra, keeps him on leash most of the time but she let him off leash just for a brief moment make it easier to get through a rough spot and they were both surprised by the person on the mountain bike. The biker did not give Sierra a chance to catch up to her dog and try to recover Snow. He just kept going and pushing Snow farther away.
We tried to work the scent but we weren't able to pick up anything at all. I don't know if that's because the scent article was contaminated or if the scent was too old or if there had been too much rain and wind and snow. This was at a significant elevation where there was a lot of snow. Where we tried to work, the scent trail would have been under about 5 inches of snow. But before the snow started to stick, it rained very heavily. It took us about 3 hours to get up the trail to the point she lost Snow, and then almost 3 hours to get back down. After we were almost back to the car, Sierra realized she had Snow’s harness in her backpack, which would have been the perfect scent article. While we were hiking up, I was talking to Sierra, and she was saying how much she loved Snow. He would sleep in the bed with her, and she would wake up with his head across her neck. She posted his picture all over her Facebook page. She was really in love with him. She did nothing wrong. Just bad luck caused her to lose Snow. She was working really hard to find him, doing everything she possibly could. Of course, i hope we find every dog or cat we search for. Sometimes, though, the pet’s owner doesn’t work too hard to find their pet, or they weren’t too terribly attached. I have found dogs running loose and returned the dogs to owners who were indifferent, not too excited to get their dogs back. If anyone deserved to get her dog back, it is Sierra. I felt really bad that we were no help to her.
On the way down the mountain, I had to let Tino off leash so he wouldn’t kill my knees with pulling. I was pretty sure it would be fine. Tino has known me since the day he was born, and he always comes back to me. We didn’t have any problems, but I wondered, what if there was a bear or a mountain lion, and Tino got separated from me. What if he ran off for some reason, and ran off a cliff and died. Any day, I could lose my dog just because of bad luck, not because I did anything wrong. I love Tino so much, and I would be devastated if I couldn’t find him. I know Sierra really loves Snow, even though she has only had him a few months. She really deserved to have him back, and I wished there was more we could do.
We tried to work the scent but we weren't able to pick up anything at all. I don't know if that's because the scent article was contaminated or if the scent was too old or if there had been too much rain and wind and snow. This was at a significant elevation where there was a lot of snow. Where we tried to work, the scent trail would have been under about 5 inches of snow. But before the snow started to stick, it rained very heavily. It took us about 3 hours to get up the trail to the point she lost Snow, and then almost 3 hours to get back down. After we were almost back to the car, Sierra realized she had Snow’s harness in her backpack, which would have been the perfect scent article. While we were hiking up, I was talking to Sierra, and she was saying how much she loved Snow. He would sleep in the bed with her, and she would wake up with his head across her neck. She posted his picture all over her Facebook page. She was really in love with him. She did nothing wrong. Just bad luck caused her to lose Snow. She was working really hard to find him, doing everything she possibly could. Of course, i hope we find every dog or cat we search for. Sometimes, though, the pet’s owner doesn’t work too hard to find their pet, or they weren’t too terribly attached. I have found dogs running loose and returned the dogs to owners who were indifferent, not too excited to get their dogs back. If anyone deserved to get her dog back, it is Sierra. I felt really bad that we were no help to her.
On the way down the mountain, I had to let Tino off leash so he wouldn’t kill my knees with pulling. I was pretty sure it would be fine. Tino has known me since the day he was born, and he always comes back to me. We didn’t have any problems, but I wondered, what if there was a bear or a mountain lion, and Tino got separated from me. What if he ran off for some reason, and ran off a cliff and died. Any day, I could lose my dog just because of bad luck, not because I did anything wrong. I love Tino so much, and I would be devastated if I couldn’t find him. I know Sierra really loves Snow, even though she has only had him a few months. She really deserved to have him back, and I wished there was more we could do.